池田菜津美/文 峯水亮/写真 杉本親要/監修
食卓でもおなじみのタコとイカ。どちらも頭足類だけど、どこが似ていてどこが違うのだろう? この絵本では、両者がさまざまな角度から比較されている。足の数など見た目の違いから、獲物のとらえ方、スミの吐き方、すんでいる場所や活動の場所、敵から身を守る方法、体の色の変え方、子育ての仕方、赤ちゃんたちのサバイバル方法に至るまで、いろいろ比べて写真とイラストと文章で楽しく伝えている。長い腕をポケットにしまうイカがいるとか、タコは道をおぼえていて迷子にならないなど、びっくり知識も豊富。
9歳から/タコ イカ 海
What’s the Difference between Octopus and Squid?
Octopus and squid appear often on Japanese tables. Both are cephalopods (like heads on legs!) with soft bodies, but how are they different? This picture book compares them from several angles. From differences that we can see with our eyes (number of legs) to differences in how they catch prey and release ink, where they live, how they protect themselves from their enemies, how they change color, how they parent, and even how their babies survive, we get the full story in photos, illustrations, and text. Did you know that some squid can put their long arms in pockets? Or that an octopus can memorize routes and not get lost? Did you know that the squid and the octopus both have multiple hearts, big and small? Many surprising facts fill this book. (Sakuma)
- text: Ikeda, Natsumi | photos: Minemizu, Ryo | spv. Sugimoto, Chikatoshi
- Poplar
- 2020
- 32 pages
- 22×29
- ISBN 9784591163504
- Age 9 +
Octopus, Squid, Ocean