カテゴリー: おすすめ


イザベル・シムレール/文・絵 石津ちひろ/訳



原作:フランス/3歳から/青 生き物 闇

(JBBY「おすすめ!世界の子どもの本 2018」より)



磯野真穂/著 はらだ有彩/絵



13歳から/ダイエット 愛 かわいさ 摂食障害


Diet Fantasies: Lose Weight, Be Loved

The world is full of diet methods that come and go. This book does not negate or critique them; rather, the author, a cultural anthropologist, considers why Japanese women are encouraged to diet, thinking that they want to “slim down” or “be cute.” What is behind this? Japanese society’s fixation on childlike women; the tendency to see women as passive, “chosen” (or not) or “loved” (or not); the loss of power to live when eating based on facts accumulated in one’s head. Many issues come up with plentiful examples, all presented in understandable text. (Sakuma)

  • text: Isono, Maho | illus. Harada, Arisa
  • Chikuma Shobo
  • 2019
  • 224 pages
  • 18×11
  • ISBN 9784480683618
  • Age 13 +

Diet, Love, Cuteness, Eating disorders




久世濃子/著 秋草愛/絵



11歳から/オランウータン ボルネオ ジャングル 絶滅危惧


I Want to Meet an Orangutan

Written by a Japanese scientist who studies wild orangutan, the text is very easy to follow. Readers learn what motivated the author to study orangutan, how she conducts fieldwork in Borneo, the ecology of orangutan, the fact that they are an endangered species, and what we can do to help them. The author also explores the differences between orangutan and chimpanzees, which live in groups, and differences in the parent-child relationships of orangutan as compared to humans and other ape species. Not only do we gain a deeper knowledge of orangutan, but we also learn how our own lifestyle is intricately connected to their habitat, the forests of southeast Asia. The author urges us to not only buy products that are good for us, but ones that are good for the environment of the whole planet. (Sakuma)

  • text: Kuze, Noko | illus. Akikusa, Ai
  • Akane Shobo
  • 2020
  • 188 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN 9784251073105
  • Age 11 +

Orangutan, Borneo, Jungle, Endangered species







9歳から/カメムシ 図鑑 観察


Our Stink Bug Book

Stink bugs (shield bugs) are often seen as smelly pests, but in the town of Kuzumaki in northern Iwate prefecture, children got excited about them and wanted to know more. They gathered specimens of some 35 types over a year’s time, and they created an encyclopedia. Now they think the stink bugs are great! This picture book uses enjoyable illustrations and easy-to-understand text to tell us how the students’ project came about. The book also offers basic information about stink bugs, why they give off odors, and why they form groups. The backmatter offers space for readers to begin their own encyclopedias. (Sakuma)

  • text: Suzuki, Kaika | illus. Hata, Koshiro
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 2020
  • 44 pages
  • 26×20
  • ISBN 9784834085525
  • Age 9 +

Stink bug, Encyclopedia, Observation







9歳から/家 開発 都市化 十六羅漢


Yato Home

This picture book portrays 150 years in the life of a farmhouse in a yato area, with gently sloping hills and valleys. The book is narrated by stone statues of the sixteen arhats (disciples of the historical Buddha) that stand nearby. The farmhouse with thatched roof is first surrounded by rice paddies, fields, and forests; later, it becomes enclosed by a monorail, department store, and condominiums and apartment buildings. It is given a tiled roof. Planting and threshing processes, children’s play, festivals, weddings, funerals, and development are all depicted in detail. Until a certain period, wild birds and animals also visit the stone statues. The backmatter contains detailed explanations, including about the Tama Hills in southwest Tokyo/northeast Kanagawa, which served as the model for this book. (Sakuma)

  • text/illus. Yatsuo, Keiji | spv. Senni, Kei
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2020
  • 40 pages
  • 22×31
  • ISBN 9784034379004
  • Age 9 +

Home, Development, Urbanization, Sixteen arhats






植物の葉や枝や実に、虫がかじった跡がないだろうか? 虫が生きるための活動の痕跡を本書では「虫のしわざ」と呼び、見た目から、あみあみ、かじかじ、すけすけ、てんてん、まきまきなど16種類に分類し、写真と文章で紹介している。たとえば葉に「あみあみ」模様を見つけたら、本書の写真と見くらべれば、何の虫が何をした跡かがわかる仕組み。また「しわざコレクション」として、卵や糞、脱け殻やクモの網などについてコラム風にまとめている。昆虫写真家ならではの、おもしろい切り口の図鑑。

9歳から/虫 葉 卵 糞


Enclopedia of Insect Signs and Works

Have insects left any chew marks on leaves, branches, or fruit near you? Have you seen eggs, nests, or galls? This book divides common signs of insect activity into sixteen fun types, such as “chew-through,” “see-through,” “wrap-wrap,” “tent,” and more, and presents the activity in photos and text. The book is made so that, for example, if children find a leaf with one of the designs shown, they can compare it to the book and find out which insect was at work. Objects such as eggs, dung, husks, spiderwebs, and cocoons are also introduced in column-like format. An encylopedia-picture book with a fresh approach, created by a specialist in insect photography. (Sakuma)

  • text/photos: Shinkai, Takashi
  • Shonen Shashin Shimbunsha
  • 2020
  • 160 pages
  • 21×19
  • ISBN 9784879816924
  • Age 9 +

Insects, Leaves, Eggs, Dung




池田菜津美/文 峯水亮/写真 杉本親要/監修


食卓でもおなじみのタコとイカ。どちらも頭足類だけど、どこが似ていてどこが違うのだろう? この絵本では、両者がさまざまな角度から比較されている。足の数など見た目の違いから、獲物のとらえ方、スミの吐き方、すんでいる場所や活動の場所、敵から身を守る方法、体の色の変え方、子育ての仕方、赤ちゃんたちのサバイバル方法に至るまで、いろいろ比べて写真とイラストと文章で楽しく伝えている。長い腕をポケットにしまうイカがいるとか、タコは道をおぼえていて迷子にならないなど、びっくり知識も豊富。

9歳から/タコ イカ 海


What’s the Difference between Octopus and Squid?

Octopus and squid appear often on Japanese tables. Both are cephalopods (like heads on legs!) with soft bodies, but how are they different? This picture book compares them from several angles. From differences that we can see with our eyes (number of legs) to differences in how they catch prey and release ink, where they live, how they protect themselves from their enemies, how they change color, how they parent, and even how their babies survive, we get the full story in photos, illustrations, and text. Did you know that some squid can put their long arms in pockets? Or that an octopus can memorize routes and not get lost? Did you know that the squid and the octopus both have multiple hearts, big and small? Many surprising facts fill this book. (Sakuma)

  • text: Ikeda, Natsumi | photos: Minemizu, Ryo | spv. Sugimoto, Chikatoshi
  • Poplar
  • 2020
  • 32 pages
  • 22×29
  • ISBN 9784591163504
  • Age 9 +

Octopus, Squid, Ocean







9歳から/世界 幸せ 生きる意味



Photojournalist Nagakura has taken photos of children the world over while asking, “Why were humans born?” “Where do we belong?” “What is the meaning in living?” He has asked these questions in places where bullets fly, such as Afghanistan and Kosovo; in a refugee camp in El Salvador; in Greenland with its extreme cold; and on the Arabian Peninsula with its scorching heat. He has met all kinds of people living in different ways in contrasting environments. Now, Nagakura says, what he was searching for is in his own hands. This picture book invites us to experience touching photos and text and to think together with the author. (Sakuma)

  • text/photos: Nagakura, Hiromi
  • Alice-kan
  • 2020
  • 40 pages
  • 26×20
  • ISBN 9784752009375
  • Age 9 +

World, Happiness, Meaning in life








9歳から/恐竜 化石 絶滅 地球


Science of Dinosaurs

Based on the latest information, the author, a paleontologist explains dinosaurs to children in an accessible way. The book begins with the history of the planet Earth and dinosaurs, then describes what Tyrannosaurus, a dinosaur popular with children, were like, what fossils can tell us about confrontations between Tyrannosaurus and other dinosaurs such as Triceratops, and what has been discovered through the most recent paleontological research. The author explores the relationship between birds and dinosaurs, comparing them, and also the reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs. One chapter is devoted to Dr. Manabe’s answers to questions he is frequently asked at events and lectures, such as how paleontology can be useful. The book is well-designed for children with illustrations and photos on every page to draw the eye and excite curiosity. (Sakuma)

  • text: Manabe, Makoto
  • Gakken Plus
  • 2020
  • 200 pages
  • 19×13
  • ISBN 9784052051852
  • Age 9 +

Dinosaurs, Fossils, Extinction, Earth






最初は、ぴかぴかでつやつやの赤いリンゴの写真に、「りんご つるつる」という言葉がついている。その同じリンゴが、少しずつ変わっていき、しわしわになり、ぱんぱんになり、しなしなになり、ぐんにゃりとなり、やがて哀れな姿に。作者が1年近くの間リンゴを観察して記録した写真絵本。それぞれの写真には、ごく短い言葉がついているだけだが、生きているものは時間とともに否応なく変化していくこと、そして、それを糧にしてまた次の命が育っていくことなどが、リアルな写真から伝わってくる。

3歳から/リンゴ 腐敗 変化 命


Apple, Bit by Bit

A photo of a bright red apple appears with the text “Smooth Apple.” The same apple changes little by little over time, becoming wrinkly, swollen, soft, limp, and then bug-eaten. But is that the end? The author observed and photographed the same apple for about a year to create this picture book. Each photo has only brief words with no explanations, but the idea that all living things change, ultimately becoming nourishment for future life, comes across in the realistic photos. (Sakuma)

  • text/photos: Ogawa, Tadahiro
  • Asunaro Shobo
  • 2020
  • 36 pages
  • 20×21
  • ISBN 9784751529614
  • Age 3 +

Apple, Decay, Change, Life




八束澄子/著 中村至宏/画





13歳から/居所不明児童 独居老人 思いやり


Little Bird of the Apartment Block

Mitsuki is a junior high student living with her mother in a large apartment complex. Hina is an 11-year-old being hidden from authorities with her mother, by a single elderly man living one floor below. This novel brings together Mitsuki and Hina’s two stories.

Hina’s mother had been drifting around the country, taking her daughter with her to various jobs and not sending her to school. After Hina’s mother collapsed at a train station and got taken away by ambulance, Hina was put in an institution and began to attend school. But after her mother collapsed again in a park and was taken in by the elderly man, Mr. Shibata, her mother nabbed Hina from the institution and brought her into hiding with her.

One day, Mr. Shibata suffers a subarachnoid hemorrhage while at the supermarket, loses consciousness, and is taken to hospital. Stuck in his apartment and unable to leave, Hina and her mother run out of food. Hina, reduced to skin and bones, appears in front of Mitsuki and says, “Help.” Hina had known about Mitsuki and had even nicknamed her Kotori-chan (Little Bird), because Mitsuki keeps a parakeet.

Hina’s mother coughs up blood and dies after being taken to hospital. Hina returns to the institution. Mitsuki now thinks of Hina as a younger sister, but at the same time, she is scared by the darkness she sees in Hina’s eyes. Knowing that helping Hina will not be simple, Mitsuki’s mother nonetheless agrees to foster her during vacations, and Mr. Shibata offers financial support.

This YA novel takes up issues lately pressing in Japan, as elsewhere: missing children and the isolated elderly. With realistic episodes, it turns our gaze toward people showing compassion to other people. It contains a number of heavy scenes, but the talking parakeet lends a saving humor. (Sakuma)

  • text: Yatsuka, Sumiko | illus. Nakamura, Yukihiro
  • Poplar
  • 2020
  • 208 pages
  • 20×13
  • ISBN 9784591167243
  • Age 13 +

Missing child, Elderly living alone, Compassion




村上しいこ/作 まめふく/画




13歳から/親の離婚 キッチンカー 虐待 DV



Twelve-year old Miori’s parents divorced because of her father’s abuse, and Miori now lives with her mother, a school counselor. Miori has stopped going to school because of difficulties getting along with her friends. One day, she meets Takao, a man who runs a curry food truck, and his assistant, Tom, a high school student who, like Miori, is not going to school. When she begins helping Takao with his food truck, she learns that Tom’s mother not only neglected him as a child but used him to commit crimes and that he now lives with Takao, who has become his guardian. Meanwhile, Miori is constantly thinking about her parents’ divorce. Through conversations with her mother and father, she starts to see the complexity of human relationships. She also gains many insights through talking with Tom, with whom she is falling in love. During this process, she comes to realize that being on an equal or even footing is the key to good relationships, whether between parent and child, man and woman, or a couple, and begins exploring how to make such relationships possible.

One day, Miori’s father attends a meeting hosted by Miori’s mother about women’s rights. There he confides that he suffered abuse from his own parents and struck out both physically and verbally because he had trouble expressing himself in words. Gradually, Miori and Tom find the next step they can take.

Miori’s story gives us hope, demonstrating that it’s possible to find a way forward by sharing our weaknesses and speaking honestly about our shortcomings. The author, who was a victim of abuse herself, helps readers to explore this serious issue. (Sakuma)

  • text: Murakami, Shiiko | illus. Mamefuku
  • Shogakukan
  • 2020
  • 208 pages
  • 19×14
  • ISBN 9784092893016
  • Age 13 +

Divorce, Food truck, Abuse, Domestic violence



父さんと、母さんと、ぼく〜ラビントットと空の魚 第五話

『父さんと、母さんと、ぼく〜ラビントットと空の魚 第五話』
越智典子/作 にしざかひろみ/画





11歳から/異世界 漁師 ファンタジー


Dad, Mom, and Me

This is the fif th and final book in the series Rabintotto, the Fisherboy of the Sky. The setting is a parallel world called Tonkana, where fish fly through the sky, birds swim in the earth, and the inhabitants of the surface are not humans, but mysterious people. The main character is a fisherman’s son named Rabintotto, who hails from a long-eared clan and is apprenticing to become a fisherman himself one day. He is afraid of heights, however, and he runs away from his master. He decides to support himself by catching sardines, which move low in the sky only at dawn.

The first four volumes of this series are The Tuna’s Dandelion Fishing, Happy are the Prepared, Riddle of the Red Moon, and A Village of Forest Thieves. Throughout the series, Rabintotto goes through mishaps and surprise encounters on an unending, unchosen journey of adventures.

In this fifth volume, as Rabintotto is journeying toward his home, he hears that many have been threatened by spinetail devil rays, and he hurries to the scene: Tsukimi (Moon Viewing) Mountain. Rabintotto saves the spinetail devil ray child that caused the disturbance, and then he hears that long ago on this mountain, there was a history of long-eared tribes fighting. He also learns that his fear of heights was not innate, and that there has been a great gulf between his mother’s family and his father. Upon visiting his parents’ relatives, he is told that he can stay, but having learned his roots and history, Rabintotto vows to become a proper fisherman after all and sets out on a new journey.

This fantasy is fun to read, with illustrations that aptly convey Rabintotto’s world. (Sakuma)

  • text: Ochi, Noriko | illus. Nishizaka, Hiromi
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 2020
  • 252 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784834085600
  • Age 11 +

Parallel world, Fisherman, Fantasy










11歳から/ギター 貧困 母子家庭 職人


Gifted, In My Case

This story of a brave, honest child who forges his own path in the face of adversity is reminiscent of such classics as Burnett’s A Little Princess. But in its portrayal of children and families who cannot escape poverty and fall through the cracks in the public safety net, it is a very contemporary tale.

The main character, Yuta, is in sixth grade. He lives with his mother and his sister, who is in second grade. His mother, who divorced because of her husband’s infidelity, has never worked before and has a hard time making ends meet as she juggles her work at a screw factory with a part-time job at a convenience store.

Yuta cares deeply about his family, but the death of his younger sister due to delayed treatment for appendicitis and the family’s deepening poverty take an emotional toll. In his rage at his father for deserting them, Yuta destroys the guitar his father gave him in a symbolic act that severs their relationship. A student who is supposed to play the guitar at the school festival, however, breaks an arm, and Yuta is asked to fill in. Although he hasn’t touched a guitar for some time and doing so brings back painful memories of his father, he begins to see the world differently once he tastes again the joy of playing music.

Yuta’s gift is his musical ability. His perfect pitch allows him to reproduce a melody when he has only heard it once. But he is also gifted in his upright character and humanity, which attract the support and friendship of Mr. and Mrs. Konishi, who own the screw factory, Mr. Sawaguchi (commonly known as Joe), who directs music for the school festival concert, and Mrs. Yugawara, the school counselor. (Sakuma)

  • text: Imai, Kyoko
  • Shogakukan
  • 2020
  • 232 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784092893030
  • Age 11 +

Guitar, Poverty, Single-mother family, Craftsman




科学でナゾとき!〜 わらう人体模型事件

『科学でナゾとき!〜 わらう人体模型事件』
あさだりん/作 佐藤おどり/絵 高柳雄一/監修

『科学でナゾとき!〜 わらう人体模型事件』(読み物)をおすすめします。




11歳から/学校 謎 科学 父と息子


Solving Riddles Through Science!

Set in a school, the story relates four episodes rich in scientific knowledge. Shogo, a cocky sixth-grader, is head of the children’s association. His father is a science teacher who teaches at many different schools, one of which is Shogo’s. But Shogo is embarrassed by his father’s clumsiness and begs him not to let anyone know they are related.

However, mysterious things are happening at Shogo’s school. First, the anatomical model in the science room bursts out laughing. When Shogo’s tall, lanky father, who carries a giraffe toy in his pocket and has been dubbed Professor Giraffe, hears that the children are frightened, he takes them to a park and uses a hose to show them that sound travel can long distances. It becomes clear that the sound of laughter must have traveled along an unused water pipe from another location.

The second mystery surrounds a transfer student from a distant island who is upset that his classmates laughed because he painted the sunset green. The third mystery involves a tube of lip gloss that disappears from the classroom and shows up in a flower bed. In the final episode, a mermaid doll in the school library weeps red tears. Professor Giraffe conducts experiments to solve each case, explaining the scientific facts behind them, such as light wavelength, liquefaction, and the alkalinity and acidity of chemicals. During this process, Shogo’s opinion of his father changes. The author expertly weaves scientific information into the story to make this a fascinating and informative read. (Sakuma)

  • text: Asada, Rin | illus. Sato, Odori | spv. Takayanagi, Yuichi
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2020
  • 208 pages
  • 19×13
  • ISBN 9784036491407
  • Age 11 +

School, Mystery, Science, Father and son




あまんきみこ/文 ささめやゆき/絵



9歳から/こけし 戦争 引き揚げ


One Day, One Time

During the Second World War, Japan occupied northeastern China, which it named Manchuria. Many Japanese moved there as settlers. The main character in this story is a little girl who lives in Manchuria. Her favorite toy is a wooden kokeshi doll that her father brought back from Japan as a gift. She names the doll Haruko and takes it with her everywhere, even to her friend’s house and the air raid shelter. When Japan loses the war, however, the girl and her family have to sell or burn everything they own, and Haruko is thrown on the fire. The author, who lived as a child in Dalian in northeastern China during the war, imbues this book with her yearning for peace and reveals the deep sorrow that children experience
in the shadow of wars waged by grownups. (Sakuma)

  • text: Aman, Kimiko | illus. Sasameya, Yuki
  • Nora Shoten
  • 2020
  • 36 pages
  • 27×22
  • ISBN 9784905015543
  • Age 9 +

Kokeshi doll, War, Evacuation




西条八十/作 殿内真帆/絵


ひょうたんが、つるから「ぼっくりこ」と池に落ちると、蓮の葉の上に寝そべってのんびりしていたカエルが見つけて、「げっこりこ」ととびつく。重いのでひょうたんが沈むと、今度はカエルが背中にのせて運ぶ。単純なストーリーだが、「ぼっくりこ」と「げっこりこ」の繰り返しがおもしろく、最後は「それゆけ げっこりこげっこり ぼっくり ぼっくりこ」で終わる。もともとは作者が1932年に発表し、音楽つきでレコードまで出ていた詩だが、画家がゆかいな絵をつけたことによって、ユーモラスな絵本ができあがった。

3歳から/ひょうたん 池 カエル リズム


The Gourd and the Frog

When a gourd on a vine extending over a pond drops into the water—bokkuriko!—a frog that had been relaxing, stretched out on a lotus leaf, jumps onto it—gekkoriko! When the gourd sinks due to the frog’s weight, the frog carries the gourd on its back instead. It’s a simple story, but the onomatopoeia repeats, adding delight until the finale: “Go, go, gekkoriko, gekkori! Bokkuri, bokkuriko!” The basis is a 1932 poem by Saijo Yaso, a poet representative of the Taisho and Showa eras (1926-89), who released the poem with music on a record. The illustrator brings it
back to life as a humorous picture book with fun, enjoyable illustrations. (Sakuma)

  • text: Saijo, Yaso | illus. Tonouchi, Maho
  • Suzuki Shuppan
  • 2020
  • 24 pages
  • 22×21
  • ISBN 9784790254102
  • Age 3 +

Gourd, Pond, Frog, Rhythm




片山ふえ/ 文 スズキコージ/絵



3歳から/知恵 大男 王様 ジョージア


Chinchiraka and the Giant

A folktale from Georgia in the Caucasus unfolds
in this dynamically illustrated picture book.
Chinchiraka, the youngest of three brothers known for his wisdom, is commanded by a moody king to snatch a golden vase from a giant who lives inside a magic mountain. When Chinchiraka succeeds, he is told to go take a golden panduri instrument that speaks human language. After that, he must go and catch the giant himself. Chinchiraka somehow tricks the giant into a box and catches him, but when the giant comes out of the box, he gobbles up the king and his servants! Scary parts are balanced by a happy ending, in which Chinchiraka becomes the king. (Sakuma)

  • text: Katayama, Fue | illus. Suzuki Koji
  • BL Shuppan
  • 2019
  • 32 pages
  • 29×22
  • ISBN 9784776409274
  • Age 3 +

Wisdom, Giant, King, Georgia






太鼓がひとつ。「トン トン トトトン」とひとりがたたいていると、「なかまに いれて」と誰かがやってくる。ふたりで「トントン ポコポコ」とたたいていると、また誰かがやってくる。仲間が4人にふえて盛り上がっていると、「うるさいぞー ガオー」とワニがやってきて、みんな逃げてしまう。でも、ワニもちょっとたたいてみたところ、あらおもしろい。音を聞いて、さっきの仲間が徐々に戻ってくる。ひとりひとりの音が重なって、最後はみんなで「トン ポコ ペタ ボン ガオー ゴン」。太鼓を打つ楽しさが伝わってくる。

3歳から/たいこ リズム 仲間 楽しさ



When someone finds a drum and plays ton, ton, to-to-ton, someone else asks, “May I join you?” As the two play ton ton, poko poko together, a third and fourth ask to join. As they play with delight, an alligator grouches, “You’re too loud! Gaah!” and they all flee. But then the alligator sidles up to the drum, taps it, and finds out playing is fun! When the four hear the alligator playing, they gradually come back. Everyone’s rhythms join together: ton poko peta bon gaah gon! The rhythms and fun of taiko drumming spill forth. (Sakuma)

  • text/illus. Hikatsu, Tomomi
  • Fukuinkan Shoten
  • 2019
  • 24 pages
  • 22×21
  • ISBN 9784834085051
  • Age 3 +

Drum, Rhythm, Companionship, Fun



虫ぎらいは なおるかな?〜昆虫の達人に教えを乞う

『虫ぎらいは なおるかな?〜昆虫の達人に教えを乞う』

『虫ぎらいは なおるかな?』(NF)をおすすめします。

チョウやセミにさえさわれないほど虫嫌いの著者が、それをなんとか克服しようと7 人の専門家に会いに行った記録。会ったのは、虫と子どもの関係を調査している教育学者、昆虫館の館長、生きもの観察や野遊びの達人、虫オブジェを制作しているアーティスト、害虫研究家、「こわい」の心理を研究する認知科学者、多摩動物公園の昆虫飼育員。著者の奮闘ぶりはほほえましいが、虫好きの人が熱く語れば語るほど引いてしまう場面などがユーモラスで、おもしろく読める。イラストも楽しい。

13歳から/昆虫 好き嫌い インタビュー


Learning to Love Bugs from the Experts

The author hates bugs, even butterflies and cicadas. In this book, she records her encounters with seven bug experts she visits in an attempt to overcome her aversion. She meets an expert in the field of education who is studying the relationship between children and bugs, the director of a bug museum, an expert on wildlife observation and outdoor play, an artist who makes clay bug objects, a scientist researching harmful insects, a cognitive scientist studying the psychology of fear, and a bug keeper at the Tama Zoo. With a humorous touch, the author describes how the experts’ enthusiasm sometimes has the opposite effect, turning her off bugs even further. Her persistent efforts to like bugs are endearing, and the illustrations make this a fun read. (Sakuma)

  • Text/Illus. Kanai, Maki
  • Rironsha
  • 2019
  • 160 pages
  • 19×13
  • ISBN 9784652203095
  • Age 13 +

Bugs, Likes and dislikes



ギヴ・ミー・ア・チャンス〜犬と少年の 再出発

『ギヴ・ミー・ア・チャンス〜犬と少年の 再出発』


2014 年、千葉県の八街少年院で、少年たちに保護犬を訓練してもらうプログラムが始まった。第1 期に参加する少年は3 名。捨てられたり手放されたりして保護された犬が3 匹。犬と少年は1 対1のペアになって3 か月の間授業を受け、一般家庭に犬を引き渡すための訓練を行う。本書は、その訓練の日々に密着し、犬と少年の間に信頼感が芽生え、心が通い合い、両者ともに変わっていく様子をいきいきと伝えている。犬の表情をうまくとらえた写真と、抑制のきいた文章が心にひびく。

13歳から/少年院 犬 訓練


Give Me a Chance

ーA Fresh Start for Dogs and Boys

In 2014, a program was started at Yachimata Reformatory in Chiba prefecture to have young inmates train rescued dogs. Three boys joined the program in the first phase, and were paired up with three abandoned dogs from a shelter. The program lasted for three months during which time the dogs were trained in order to be rehomed with ordinary families. This book closely documents the day to day process, vividly demonstrating how a sense of trust developed between the neglected or abused dogs and the delinquent juveniles as they began to understand each other, and together they began to change. Readers will be deeply moved by the photos capturing the dogs’ facial expressions and the neutral written account. (Sakuma)

  • Otsuka, Atsuko
  • Kodansha
  • 2018
  • 208 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784065130001
  • Age 13 +

Juvenile reformatory, Dogs, Training



ヒロシマ 消えたかぞく

『ヒロシマ 消えたかぞく』
指田和/著 鈴木六郎/写真

『ヒロシマ 消えたかぞく』(NF写真絵本)をおすすめします。

広島に暮らしていたある一家の記録を、一家の父親が撮りためていた写真をもとに構成し、日本語と英語の文章をつけている。理髪師の鈴木六郎は、妻の笑顔、子どもたちが元気で遊ぶようす、飼っていたネコや犬の何気ないしぐさなど、日常生活のひとこまひとこまを愛情たっぷりに撮影していた。しかし1945 年8月6日、原爆が広島を襲うと、一家全員の命がぷつっと絶たれる。作者は広島平和記念資料館でこれらの写真に出会って、一家をよみがえらせる一冊の作品にしあげた。いのちや平和について考えるきっかけになる写真絵本。

9歳から/広島 原爆 写真 家族


A Family in Hiroshima

ーTheir Vanished Dreams

Rokuro Suzuki, a barber who lived in Hiroshima, recorded the life of his family in photos near the end of World War II. Each photo captured their daily life with a loving touch: the smiling face of Suzuki’s wife, the laughter on his children’s faces as they played, and the innocent antics of their pet cats and dogs. On August 6, 1945, the entire family was wiped out by the atom bomb that fell on Hiroshima. When author Kazu Sashida first saw their photos in the Hiroshima Peace Museum, she was intrigued. Based on the photos and interviews with Suzuki’s relatives who saved the photos, Sashida brings the Suzuki family back to life. Suzuki’s photos and Sashida’s text, which is written in both Japanese and English, inspires readers to ponder such themes as life and peace. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Sashida, Kazu | Photos: Suzuki, Rokuro
  • Poplar
  • 2019
  • 40 pages
  • 23×23
  • ISBN 9784591163139
  • Age 9 +

Hiroshima, Atomic bomb






第1章「車いすを知ろう」では、車いすの構造や乗り方、どんな人たちが使うのかや、介助の仕方などを説明し、第2章「車いすとバリアフリー」では、町の中にあるさまざまなバリア、道路やトイレや乗りもののバリアフリーのくふう、福祉車両やUD タクシー、ユニバーサルデザイン、車いすスポーツ、補助犬などを紹介し、第3章「車いす図鑑」では、日常使われる車いすから、パラスポーツ用車いすまでさまざまな車いすを紹介している。バリアフリー社会を考えるきっかけになる。索引あり。

10歳から/車いす バリアフリー パラスポーツ


An Illustrated Reference of Wheelchairs

ーUnderstanding Accessibility

This book aims to make us think about universal accessibility through wheelchairs. Chapter 1, Guide to Wheelchairs, tells us about what they are, what kind of people use them, their structure and how to use them, and how to assist those using them. Chapter 2, Wheelchairs and Accessibility, is about the types of barriers that exist in cities, ways to make roads, toilets, and public transport accessible, assistive vehicles and UD (universal design) taxis, universal design, wheelchair sports, assistance dogs, and so forth. Chapter 3, Illustrated Wheelchair Reference, introduces various types of wheelchairs from those for daily use to those used for disabled sports. This book is an extremely useful way to introduce issues of accessibility. Index included. (Sakuma)

  • Ed. Takahashi, Gihei
  • Kinnohoshisha
  • 2018
  • 80 pages
  • 29×22
  • ISBN 9784323056586
  • Age 10 +

Wheelchairs, Accessibility



つらら〜みずと さむさと ちきゅうの ちから

『つらら〜みずと さむさと ちきゅうの ちから』
細島雅代/写真 伊地知英信/文



6歳から/つらら 冬 方言



ーWater, Cold, and the Power of the Earth

This picture book introduces the icicles we often see in a cold winter through stunning photographs. How are they formed? Why do they grow so long? Their changes in appearance are explained in simple terms using beautiful photographs. Readers are informed that there are places where we can still see icicles in spring, caves where they can be seen all year round, and sometimes ice sprouts up from the ground like bamboo shoots. There are several appendices, including instructions on how to conduct an experiment to grow icicles in the refrigerator using familiar items such as cup noodle containers, and a map showing the various names for icicles in different dialects around Japan. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Ijichi, Eishin | Photos: Hosojima, Masayo
  • Poplar
  • 2019
  • 36 pages
  • 21×26
  • ISBN 9784591161074
  • Age 6 +

Icicles, Winter







中高一貫教育の私立学校の中等部を舞台にした学園物語。第1 部は文化部の部長会議、第2 部は運動部の部長会議で、それぞれ各部の部長が一人称で語っていく設定になっている。

第1 部は、美術部が文化祭のために作ったジオラマがいたずらされた事件をめぐって展開する。登場するのは怒っている美術部の部長、怪しげな部活だと思われて悩んでいるオカルト研究部部長、いろいろなことに自信のない園芸部部長、ミス・パーフェクトといわれる華道部部長、恋をしている理科部部長。犯人はだれなのか? いじめがからんでいるのか? それとも恨みか? 会議は紛糾する。

第2 部は、解体されることになった第2 体育室を使っていた卓球部と和太鼓部にも、運動場やグラウンドの使用を認めるための会議。初めのうちはほとんどの部長が、自分の部が損にならないように立ち回ろうとするが、だんだんに解決策を見いだしていく。卓球部、バスケ部、バレー部、和太鼓部、サッカー部、野球部の各部長に、パラスポーツをやりたいという人工関節の生徒もからんで、意外な展開になっていく。


13歳から/部活動 学校生活 友情


The Captains’ Meeting Will Come to Order

This novel unfolds in a private middle school in Japan. Part 1 is a meeting of the student captains of culturerelated clubs, and Part 2 is a meeting of the student captains of sports clubs. The novel unfolds with each captain speaking in the first person. (School club activities in Japan happen after school, each led by a captain. If a problem occurs, club captains meet to discuss it.)

In Part 1, the art club’s diorama for a school festival has been vandalized. Participating in the culture club meeting are an angry art club captain, a discouraged occult research club captain, a less-than-confident gardening club captain, a Miss Perfect-like flower-arrangement club captain, and a deep-inlove cooking club captain. Who committed the crime? Did the vandalism stem from bullying? From a grudge? The captains’ opinions clash at first, but they eventually find an answer.

In Part 2, one of the gyms is being razed, so the table tennis and Japanese drumming clubs that used it need new spaces to practice. At first, the various sports captains try to defend their own clubs’ practice spots, but then they work toward a fix. The captains of table tennis, basketball, ballet, drumming, soccer, baseball and even ParaSports—a student with a prosthesis—find themselves in unexpected territory.

In this book, as various captains’ distinctive voices weave together, the reader starts to see the full picture. The reader also gathers that each captain faces struggles the others could never know. While entertaining to read, this book promises to make readers a bit kinder to others, too. (Sakuma)

  • Yoshino, Mariko
  • Asahi Gakusei Shimbun
  • 2019
  • 264 pages
  • 19×13
  • ISBN 9784909064738
  • Age 13 +

School clubs, School life, Friendship




佐藤いつ子/作 佐藤真紀子/絵





しかし、2 代にわたって77 年続いてきた楽々湯も、とうとう閉店することになった。店主の老夫婦には、薪での風呂たきが無理になったのだ。閉店の日、試合に勝利してわだかまりも解けたチームのメンバーは、常連たちと一緒に楽々湯につめかけるのだが、途中で停電に…。最後まで営業を支えようと奮闘する周斗たちに共感して読める。

13歳から/サッカー 銭湯 キャプテン 友情


Captain Mark and the Bathhouse

This interesting story links soccer, which is all the rage among children these days, and the public bathhouses that are now slowly disappearing.

Shuto, a junior high school student who belongs to the soccer club team, is shocked when he is replaced as captain by newcomer Daichi, and gets irritated when he is criticized by his team mates for saying cruel things to him. When he comes across the public bathhouse where he used to go with his late grandfather as a little boy, he decides to go in and feels his irritation melt away as he soaks in the hot water. After this he goes to the bathhouse regularly, and it not only becomes a place of healing for him, but he also begins to see things from a new perspective as he chats with the people he meets there. He comes to understand that even Daichi, who he used to resent for being able to do everything well, has a big problem of his own.

Most of the regular customers at the bathhouse are local elderly people, but there are also young people too. A plasterer called Hiro, who grew up in a children’s home, has been blessed with a good boss and does his best at work. Kona is a high school student obsessed with bathhouses, and she posts on Instagram about their attractions.

However, after 77 continuous years of business through two generations of ownership, the bathhouse is finally to close down. The old couple who run the place can no longer cope with burning the wood to heat the water. On closing day the entire soccer team, having won a game and with all the ill-feeling between them dispelled, all crowd into the bathhouse along with the regulars. But then there is a power cut . . . Readers are sure to sympathize with the efforts of Shuto and the others to support the business right until the end. (Sakuma)

  • Sato, Itsuko | Illus. Sato, Makiko
  • Kadokawa
  • 2019
  • 248 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784041077054
  • Age 13 +

Soccer, Public Baths, Captain, Friendship






6 年生になった暦(こよみ)の隣には、人気者の床井(とこい)君が座っている。クラスでいちばん背が低い床井君はウンコの話もするし下品だけど、クラスでいちばん背が高い暦のことを「いいなあ」と純粋にうらやましがる。そのおかげで、「巨人族」とか「デカ女」という悪口も影をひそめている。暦は、クラスの同調圧力に一応気を使って思ったことをはっきり言わないこともあるが、床井君は、自分の意見をはっきり言うし、どの人にもいいところがあることをよく見ている。そんな床井君に暦はしだいに好意を持つようになる。

全部で14 章あるが、1章ごとにひとつのエピソードが紹介されていく。性への関心が強まり教育実習生に「巨乳じゃん」と言ってしまうトーヤ、学校のトイレで生理になり困ってしまう小森さん、塾では普通に話すのに学校では言葉を発することができない鈴木さん、父親が失業し友だちに八つ当たりしてしまう勝田さんなど、クラスにはさまざまな生徒がいる。なにかが起こるたびに暦は考え、床井君の反応に感心し、違う見方ができるようになって次のステップを踏み出していく。

11歳から/学校 視点 ユーモア


Happy Tokoi

This novel vividly portrays a year in the class of two Japanese sixth-grade students: Koyomi, a girl, and Tokoi, a boy.

One episode unfolds per chapter. In one episode, a boy named Toya blurts out that a student teacher has large breasts. In another, a girl named Omori realizes in the school bathroom that she’s gotten her period and doesn’t know what to do. Another girl, Suzuki, can speak freely at cram school but struggles to speak at school. Katsuta’s father has lost his job and unfortunately takes his stress out on her, so she takes her stress out on her classmates. Many different stories fill the class.

For her part, Koyomi is the tallest student and has been called “Giant” and “Amazon Woman,” but the shortest student in the class, Tokoi, once expressed jealousy of her, saying, “I wish I could be tall.” Now, nobody makes fun of height. Koyomi often feels pressured by classmates but dislikes playing along with them; in contrast, Tokoi voices his thoughts freely and finds the good in everyone. Koyomi gradually comes to admire Tokoi; when something happens, she considers it, observes Tokoi’s reaction, and takes a step toward trying someone else’s point of view.

Humorously narrated and filled with the appeal of Tokoi, this book keeps readers turning pages and offers them the appeal of new viewpoints. Winner of the Noma Children’s Literature Prize. (Sakuma)

  • Tomori, Shiruko
  • Kodansha
  • 2018
  • 192 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 9784065139059
  • Age 11 +

School, Point of view, Humor




佐藤まどか/作 浦田健二/絵



期待をもって転校してきた6 年生のミカは、席の近い鈴奈、お調子者の仁、フィリピン人の母親をもつジェイソンと仲よくなる。やがてクラスで、本来は禁止されている「ガードロイド探し」が始まると、ミカも疑心暗鬼になる。4人は、怪しいと思われる生徒の家に行ってみたり、マラソンをしても呼吸の乱れない生徒に探りを入れたりする。しかしそれより、もしかしてこの4人の中にガードロイドがいるのではないか? 友だちの笑顔はウソなのか? だれかにリモートコントロールされているのか? 本当は心なんてないのに、感情があるふりをしているのか? すべてが演技なのか? 疑念はふくらむ。


11歳から/近未来 アンドロイド 疑念 友だち


Artificial Soul

The story is set in the near future. A newly established model school not only offers small classes and hightech facilities but also has a super security system to prevent cheating, bullying and violence. Each class has a guard-droid that looks and behaves just like one of the students, but is actually an android programmed with the same intelligence as a human and equipped with a built-in mike and camera through which the school can watch over the students. The androids each have their own personality and are indistinguishable from humans.

Mika comes to this new school with great expectations and makes friends with three students sitting near her. The students are forbidden to look for the guard-droid, but Mika’s class secretly tries to find out. Mika starts suspecting everyone. She and her group of friends visit the home of a girl who appears suspicious and closely observe a boy who never gets out of breath even when he runs a marathon.

But perhaps the guard-droid is really one of Mika’s friends. Are their smiles fake? Is one of them being operated by remote control and just pretending to have feelings? Is it all an act?

In the end, the students find out that even the guard-droid doesn’t know who the droid is, and its identity is never revealed. The author vividly conveys the frightening nature of a society in which everyone is watched and where it is impossible to tell the real from the fake. Artificial Soul warns us that the human mind could one day be subdued and controlled. (Sakuma)

  • Sato, Madoka | Illus. Urata, Kenji
  • Poplar
  • 2019
  • 176 pages
  • 20×13
  • ISBN 9784591162057
  • Age 11 +

Near Future, Android, Doubt




山本和子/作 石川えりこ/絵



仕方なく4月はお花見、5月は衣替え、6月は梅仕事、7月は七夕、8月は花火見物、9月はお月見、10 月は栗拾い、11 月は七五三、12 月はリース作り、1月はお正月料理、2月は豆まき、3月はひな祭り、と行事を行っていくうちに、こふじは、この町のさまざまな動物と出会い、交流するようになる。とねりこ通りに暮らす多様な動物たちの中には、帰国子女、独居老人、さびしさから暴力をふるう子などもいるが、お互いの欠点を補い合いながら暮らしている様子に、こふじも元気をもらう。そして1年たった頃には、いつしかこふじも、伝統的な織物を継承したいと意欲まんまんになっていた。


11歳から/ネコ 行事 引きこもり 多様性


Kofuji the Cat

ーNumber 3 Ash Street

Kofuji the cat once worked very hard at an advertising company. When her coworkers began to treat her coldly, however, she quit her job. Now she stays at home, never leaving the house. One day, however, her grandmother asks her to take care of her house on Ash Street while she travels around the world. Instead of rent, she asks Kofuji to plan a monthly event, each one befitting the month in which it is held.

Although reluctant at first, Kofuji plans a picnic under the cherry blossoms in April, a seasonal change of clothing in May, plum juice-making in June, a star festival in July, fireworks in August, moon viewing in September, chestnut gathering in October, a festival for children aged three, five and seven in November, wreath making in December, making traditional New Year’s dishes in January, bean throwing in February, and a dolls’ festival in March. The neighbors on Toneriko Street are a diverse group of characters. There is a tapir who moved back from overseas and thinks she has to conform to fit in, a young fox who throws tantrums because she’s upset that her mother has a new fox cub, and an elderly monkey living on his own. Through her interactions with these different neighbors, Kofuji gradually perks up and by the end of the year, she has decided to start weaving traditional textiles.

Each monthly event is described by Nezumori, the postmouse who lives in the cupboard of her house. His own story also unfolds within this book, and the last scene is his wedding, which is attended by all the characters who have appeared, including Kofuji’s grandmother who has returned from her travels. With one story per chapter and plenty of illustrations, the book is easy and entertaining even for children unused to reading. (Sakuma)

  • Yamamoto, Kazuko | Illus. Ishikawa, Eriko
  • Alice-kan
  • 2019
  • 168 pages
  • 21×16
  • ISBN 9784752008934
  • Age 11 +

Cat, Event, Stay-at-home, Diversity




村中李衣/作 石川えりこ/絵


山口に引っ越した10 歳のえりと、横浜にとどまっている親友のエミが交換する手紙を通して物語が進行する。




9歳から/畑 手紙 いじめ 自然


Garden of Wonder

This story unfolds through the letters exchanged between ten-year-old Eri, who has moved to Yamaguchi, and her friend Emi left behind in Yokohama. Through these letters we learn how Eri’s grandfather has given her a small patch of land where she grows strawberries and herbs. She writes all her thoughts to Emi, like how vigorously all the weeds grow even if you step on them; about a spider that only spins a temporary web when it senses a typhoon is about to hit; how her face swelled up when stung by hairs from caterpillars on the peach tree; and the feeling of being in contact with nature. The reader can appreciate the fresh amazement and wonder that a city-raised child feels upon moving to the countryside.

Emi tells Eri how she has studied about spiders and caterpillars thanks to her letters, and also about their classmate Kenji, who now won’t leave his bedroom. Kenji has been their friend since they were little, and they are both worried about him.

Other people in their lives include Eri’s grandfather, who emphasizes learning from experience and only tells her what to do after she has made a mistake; a new transfer pupil Marumo, who sticks to her own ways without realizing the pressures on her to change; and Kazuki, who bullied Kenji but deep down wants to apologize.

It is interesting to see how in this day and age Eri and Emi deepen their connection not by telephone or email, but by letters, and the story ends on a refreshing note when a frog jumps out of a box of vegetables that Eri sends Kenji, prompting him to step outside and begin to change. This book won the Joji Tsubota Prize. (Sakuma)

  • Muranaka, Rie | Illus. Ishikawa, Eriko
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2019
  • 216 pages
  • 21×16
  • ISBN 9784035309505
  • Age 9 +

Fields, Letters, Bullying, Nature







6歳から/正月 年越し 獅子舞


It’s New Year!

This picture book portrays traditional Japanese New Year customs. The protagonist is Naoko, who lives in a modern city where her husband manages a construction firm. As the year draws to a close, they buy a special lucky rake from a shrine fair, and then some materials for New Year decorations at Asakusa’s Gasa-ichi fair. They use these materials to make traditional decorations, which they sell to local people. When they’ve finished that, their family thoroughly cleans their house from top to bottom, she prepares the special New Year’s food, and on New Year’s Eve they eat buckwheat noodles as they see in the New Year. And once the New Year has started, in order to chase out bad luck, Naoko’s husband and others put on the Lion Mask and dance to the accompaniment of drums and flutes as they go around the neighbourhood wishing everyone a Happy New Year. (Sakuma)

  • Text/Illus. Akiyama, Tomoko
  • Poplar
  • 2018
  • 32 pages
  • 24×27
  • ISBN 9784591160657
  • Age 6 +

New Year, New Year’s Eve, Lion dance



まめつぶこぞうパトゥフェ〜スペイン・カタルーニャの むかしばなし

『まめつぶこぞうパトゥフェ〜スペイン・カタルーニャの むかしばなし』
宇野和美/文 ささめやゆき/絵


パトゥフェは、体は豆粒ぐらい小さいのに、なんでもやろうとする元気な男の子。お母さんにたのまれたおつかいも、踏みつぶされないように「パタン パティン パトン」と歌いながら歩いていき、ちゃんとなしとげる。ところが、お父さんにお弁当を届けに行こうとしてキャベツの葉の下で雨宿りしているとき、牛に飲み込まれてしまう。さあ、どうしよう。パトゥフェは牛のお腹の中でも歌って、お父さんとお母さんに居場所を知らせ、牛のおならとともに外に飛び出す。絵も文もゆかいで楽しい。

3歳から/昔話 牛 おなら おつかい


The Pea-sized Boy Patufet

ーA Folktale from Catalonia, Spain

Patufet is an active little boy who tries to do everything even though he is pea-sized. When his mother asks him to go and buy some saffron, he successfully fulfills his mission. To make sure no one steps on him, he sings “Patan, patine, paton” the whole way there. When he goes to take lunch to his father, however, it begins to rain. Patufet shelters under a cabbage leaf, but is swallowed by a cow that eats the cabbage. What does he do? The resourceful boy sings loudly inside the cow’s stomach so that his parents can find him and leaps out when the cow farts. The illustrations and text are fun and entertaining. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Uno, Kazumi | Illus. Sasameya, Yuki
  • BL Shuppan
  • 2018
  • 32 pages
  • 29×22
  • ISBN 9784776408628
  • Age 3 +

Folktale, Cow, Fart, Errand




谷川俊太郎/文 Noritake/絵



3歳から/平和 戦争


Peace and War

As a teenager, the author was forced to flee from fire bombs during World War II, at which time he saw countless corpses. In this book, however, he neither shares those painful experiences nor talks about peace in abstract terms. Instead, he takes familiar things and actions that we take for granted and juxtaposes what they look like during a time of peace and a time of war. The book begins with a child (me at peace, me at war) and progresses through a father, a mother, a family, a tool of peace (a pencil) and a tool of war (a gun), as well as such things as a queue, a tree, the sea, a town, night, and a cloud. Except for the mushroom cloud rising from the atomic bomb, which is a photo, the pages are illustrated with simple black-and-white drawings. In the last spread, “a baby on our side” and “an enemy baby,” the pictures are identical. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Tanikawa, Shuntaro | Illus. Noritake
  • Bronze Publishing
  • 2019
  • 32 pages
  • 19×19
  • ISBN 9784893096579
  • Age 3 +

Peace, War




たてのひろし/作 かわしまはるこ/絵


アマガエルの子ども3 匹がかくれんぼをして遊んでいると、1匹の体がいつのまにか茶色っぽくなってしまう。洗ったりこすったりしても体の色はもどらない。どうしてだろう? そのとき突然空からサギが舞い降りてくる。こわい!でも、サギは気づかずに去っていく。アマガエルは、成長すると、体色が周囲の色に合わせて変化するようになるのだが、この絵本はそのことを、物語として伝えている。何年もアマガエルを飼育し観察してきた画家の絵はリアルで、あちこちに小動物を発見する楽しみもある。

4歳から/アマガエル 保護色 かくれんぽ


Little Frogs Play Hide-and-Seek

Three frog children are playing hide-and-seek in the grass, when all of a sudden one of them turns brown. The other two wash and scrub him, but his color remains stubbornly brown. They are wondering why when suddenly a heron swoops down from the sky. The shocked frogs freeze, and the heron moves away without noticing them. Through a fun story, this picture book informs the readers how as frogs grow, their bodies change color to blend in with their surroundings. The illustrator spent a number of years watching tree frogs breed, and her illustrations accurately capture the actions of the frogs. It is also fun discovering the other small creatures. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Tateno, Hiroshi | Illus. Kawashima, Haruko
  • Sekai Bunkasha
  • 2019
  • 24 pages
  • 27×24
  • ISBN 978441819- 8085
  • Age 4 +

Tree frogs, Camouflage, Hide-and-seek







11歳から/難民 ドイツ 多文化共生


Refugees, Welcome!

―When a Million Refugees Arrived in Germany

This book is not non-fiction in the strictest sense, but much of it is real, which is why it is included here. The author, a Japanese woman in Freiburg, discusses refugees. What sort of people are refugees and why did they have to flee their countries? Why did Germany recently accept so many refugees? What actions were taken by German people against them? Why can’t reality be sustained by emotions and ideals alone? What misunderstandings arose from cultural differences? What are the differences between the various adherents of Islam, and what was done to help the refugees learn German? She tackles the issue from various perspectives, giving readers the opportunity to think for themselves. (Sakuma)

  • Imaizumi, Mineko
  • Godo Shuppan
  • 2018
  • 176 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN 978-4-7726-1339-2
  • Age 11 +

Refugees, Germany, Multicultural society




菅聖子/文 やましたこうへい/絵



11歳から/パン 缶詰 職人 夢の実現


Saving the World With Canned Bread

This book is about a baker called Yoshihiko Akimoto. When the Kobe earthquake happened in 1995 and there was a need for nonperishable food, Mr. Akimoto hit upon the idea of canning bread that so that it would be soft enough for children and the elderly to eat. After trying many techniques and improvements, and much trial and error, he finally succeeded. Next Mr. Akimoto decided to recall unused canned bread that was approaching its expiry date, and send it to disaster and famine areas around the world through NGOs. This is a moving book about how one artisan dreamed of building a business that would benefit not just his local area but the world at large, and took the necessary steps to make his dream come true. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Suga, Seiko | Illus. Yamashita, Kohei
  • Holp Shuppan
  • 2017
  • 156 pages
  • 20×15
  • ISBN 978-4-593-53523-1
  • Age 11 +

Bread, Canned food, Artisans, Dreams




佐藤慧/著 安田菜津紀/写真



11歳から/牧場 牛乳 アニマル・ウェルフェア


Milk of Happiness

Japan’s first dairy farm to be animal welfare-certified is Nakahora Farm in Iwate Prefecture. This book tells of Mr. Nakahora’s struggles to reach this point. In his dairy operation, cows are let out to pasture year-round. They eat pesticide-free wild grasses, birth their calves naturally, and live in harmony with the mountains and the woods. People receive the milk left over from nursing their calves. In an age when “modern” methods call for sacrificing cows’ health to raise efficiency, Mr. Nakahora believes that “even if we cannot drink milk every day, it is better to receive rich, tasty milk from cows living happy lives. That makes everyone happy!” The way he lives out his ideals is very moving. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Sato,Kei | Photos: Yasuda, Natsuki
  • Poplar
  • 2018
  • 175 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 978-4-591-15813-5
  • Age 11 +

Ranching, Milk, Animal welfare







10歳から/模様 パターン 日本の伝統


The Pattern Picture Book

Patterns are the designs created to decorate clothes, articles in daily use, buildings, and so forth. In Japan, spatulas, bamboo sticks, shells, and nails have all been used to pattern pots and figurines since the Jomon period, and these days ramen bowls and clothes too. This book not only introduces Japanese patterns using various motifs of plants, animals, celestial bodies and nature, and geometrical patterns combining lines and figures, but it also includes a map to show differences with other patterns around the world and how some patterns of one region have spread to others. Along with illustrations, the book also includes a glossary of terms and useful information for readers to enjoy learning about the patterns. (Sakuma)

  • Text/Illus. Taniyama, Ayako
  • Asunaro Shobo
  • 2017
  • 48 pages
  • 21×22
  • ISBN 978-4-7515-2828-0
  • Age 10 +

Patterns, Motifs, Japanese tradition



デニムさん〜気仙沼・オイカワデニムが作る 復興のジーンズ

『デニムさん〜気仙沼・オイカワデニムが作る 復興のジーンズ』



10歳から/震災からの復興 女性 衣服


Ms. Denim

ーThe Jeans Produced by Oikawa Denim as a Symbol of Recovery

The city of Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, sus- tained devastating loss in the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, as well as the terrible fire that followed. This book depicts the disaster and recovery through the eyes of a woman, Hideko Oikawa. Just when she had managed to get her jeans manufacturing business on course after losing her husband and going through a recession, the quake struck. She lost her warehouse and her house in the subsequent tsunami. Oikawa turned her factory into an evacuation site and became a leader in the recovery effort. Her new ideas and the resilience of Tohoku people have made Oikawa Denim an internationally respected brand. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Imazeki, Nobuko
  • Kosei Shuppansha
  • 2018
  • 128 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN 978-4-333-02780-4
  • Age 10 +

Earthquake recovery, Women, Apparel





『まなぶ』(NF 写真絵本)をおすすめします。


6歳から/学習 学校 文化



This photo picture book includes striking photos of children and young adults from Japan, Cuba, Afghanistan, Micronesia, Angora, Uzbekistan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia and other places around the world as they learn, both at school and at home, on the high plains and while travelling. Through them we can see what it means to learn, how the world opens up when we learn, what we inherit when we learn, and how learning is linked to peace. It is hard to forget the serious faces of the children, and their smiling faces as they look to the future. The same photo book series includes the titles Working and Praying (published 2017). (Sakuma)

  • Text/Photos: Nagakura, Hiromi
  • Alice-kan
  • 2018
  • 40 pages
  • 26×20
  • ISBN 978-4-7520-0843-9
  • Age 6 +

Study, School, Culture







12歳から/憧憬 教師 学校


The Venus of the Science Lab

Hitomi Yuuki is in the first year at junior high. She lives with her mother, and she hardly ever sees her father since her parents divorced. She feels alienated at school. After she is tripped up in the classroom and falls, she goes to the sickroom for first aid treatment and has a conversation with the science teacher Ms. Hitomi, who happens to be there at the time. She develops a crush on the young teacher, whose surname Hitomi sounds like her own first name. Ms. Hitomi often spends time when she doesn’t have classes in the #2 Science Lab, and her face resembles Botticelli’s Venus. She is thirty-one, considerably older than student Hitomi, and is a single mother with a young child. She openly flouts school rules, eating sweets in front of her pupils, and to Hitomi she is the most beautiful, kindest, and also the most dangerous person she has ever known.
One day, Hitomi notices another boy, Masaki, staring at Ms. Hitomi. Masaki and Hitomi start spending all their time in #2 Science Lab, and both desire the teacher in slightly different ways. Nevertheless, both of them feel that she is a special, unique, and irreplaceable person in their lives. The three-way relationship between the two pupils, boy and girl, and their teacher maintains a delicate and complex balance. In the end it breaks down, but by then Hitomi has begun to think of Masaki, who is eccentric and tends to take chances, as a kindred spirit. “He was necessary in order to get close to something out of reach,” she thought.
Nothing dramatic happens in this book, but it wonderfully portrays the fluctuating emotions of children in early adolescence being consumed by longing. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Tomori, Shiruko
  • Kodansha
  • 2017
  • 206 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 978-4-06-220634-1
  • Age 12 +

Aspirations, Teachers, School






中学2年生の拓真の家には、祖父の勇が同居している。80歳になる勇は、ある日黙って家をでて、家族を心配させる。勇は、自分がもと住んでいた山あいの奥沢集落に向かおうとしていたのだ。勇がこの集落や、自宅だった古民家をなつかしんでいることに気づいた拓真は、古民家を修繕して、地域の人たちの憩いの場にしようと思い立つ。そこで友だちの協力もあおいで知恵をだしあい、必要な資金をクラウドファンディングで集めるプロジェクトを立ちあげる。拓真たちはフライヤーを作って配ったり、SNSで情報を拡散したり、地元の有力者に会いにいったりして努力を重ねる。160万円という目標の達成には多くの人の支援が必要になるが、果たして資金は集まるのだろうか? 楽しい読み物としてどきどきしながら読み進むうちに、クラウドファンディングの仕組みについても知識が深まる。

12歳から/クラウドファンディング インターネット 仲間


Dream Project

Takuma is in the second year at junior high. His grandfather Isamu has been living with him since losing his wife. Isamu is now 80, and when he leaves the house one day without saying anything, the family are worried about him. When they investigate, they discover that he has gone to the village in the mountains where he used to live. Realizing that Isamu is missing the village and his old house, which now lies empty, Takuma hits upon the idea of renovating the old wooden thatched house and making it into a center where local people can gather. He gains the support of some of his friends at school, and pooling their knowledge, they work together to set up a project to raise the necessary money through a crowdfunding campaign. They go to a crowdfunding company to explain their project, learn about the procedures, and receive advice, and then decide to go ahead with the project.
Takuma and his friends don’t just make the crowdfunding page, they work hard on the project doing things like making flyers to hand out at bus stops in the morning, spreading information via Twitter and Facebook, showing supporters from the city around, going to meet the former mayor who is a local figure of authority, and so forth. They need to get a lot of people to support them in order to meet their target of 1.6 million yen. Will they manage to raise the funds in the end? This entertaining and exciting read also deepens knowledge of the procedures of crowdfunding and how to participate in society. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Hamano, Kyoko
  • PHP Institute
  • 2017
  • 205 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 978-4-569-78777-0
  • Age 12 +

Crowdfunding, Internet, Friendship




今井恭子/著 いぬんこ/画



12歳から/犬 参拝 旅


Konpira Dog

This is an entertaining adventure novel with a dog as the protagonist, and is also historical fiction introducing the customs and lifestyle of Japanese people in the Edo period (1603-1868). The dog, Mutsuki, had been abandoned, but was rescued by Yayoi, the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and is now grown up. In this story he is sent on a pilgrimage from Edo (Tokyo) to a shrine in Sanuki (today’s Kagawa Prefecture in western Japan) dedicated to Konpira, the guardian deity of seafarers. He is being sent as the family’s representative to pray that Yayoi will recover from illness. He sets out carrying a bag around his neck containing a wooden slab engraved with his owner’s name and address, a monetary offering for the shrine, and enough money for buying food to last him the journey. He comes to be known as “Konpira Dog” and is looked after by travelers and other people he crosses paths with, so eventually he completes his mission and returns home safely.
On his travels, Mutsuki keeps the company of many people of different trades and ages, including a mendicant, a snake oil peddler, an apprentice geisha, and a carpenter. He also has many experiences on his pilgrimage, such as falling into the river, making friends with an attractive female dog, and saving a traveling companion from bandits. His last companion on the road is a woman who runs a kerosene wholesale business and whose young son Muneo is blind. The boy is later given Mutsuki’s puppy, providing a satisfying conclusion to the story. The author researched the subject thoroughly to make it into a creative yet realistic story. The book won the Sankei Children’s Publishing Award, the Association of Japanese Children’s Authors Award, and the Shogakukan Children’s Book Award. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Imai, Kyoko | Illus. Inunko
  • Kumon Shuppan
  • 2017
  • 344 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 978-4-7743-2707-5
  • Age 12 +

Dogs, Pilgrimage, Travel




魚住直子/著 西村ツチカ/絵


小学校6年生の陽菜子は、家事も勉強もちゃんとやれと口うるさくいう母親がうっとうしくて仕方がない。単身赴任中の父親はともかく、兄が家事を免除されているのも不公平だと思っている。ある日、陽菜子は不思議な女の子に出会い、その子が落としたらしい手帳を拾う。手帳には、「わたしは、親に支配されたくない。わたしは、わたしの道をいきたい」と書き付けてあった。何度か現れてアドバイスもしてくれる、あの不思議な女の子はいったい誰なのか? その謎を追いかけていくうちに陽菜子はしだいに強くなり、母親にも言い返せるようになる。最後に、不思議な女の子の謎がすべて解けたときには、陽菜子と母親の遠かった距離は近くなり、ふたりとも本来の自分の道を探す一歩を踏みだせるようになっていた。ファンタジー的要素も取り込んで現代の少女が置かれた状況を生き生きと伝える。

11歳から/母と娘 手帳 自分の道 家事の分担


I’ve Got Something to Say!

A story that with elements of fantasy portrays what life is like for girls in Japan. It is an entertaining read that has you wondering about a mysterious girl that the protagonist meets. Hinako is in her last year at elementary school and irritated at being constantly nagged by her mother to study and do housework. She feels it’s unfair that her brother is exempted from housework, as is her father on account of being posted to a job far away. Her mother believes it’s for the best to be strict with her, and Hinako cannot openly defy her. Thus their relationship quickly deteriorates as Hinako harbours counterveiling feelings of rebellion and guilt. And then Hinako meets a mysterious girl, who leaves behind a notebook in which it is written, “I don’t want to be controlled by my parents. I want to follow my own path.” Subsequently the girl turns up numerous times, and following her advice Hinako gradually becomes able to say the things she wants to say to her mother.
When her mother tells her off for playing hooky from the cram school, on the spur of the moment Hinako skips a mock exam and instead goes to her deceased grandmother’s old abandoned house. On the way there she again meets the mysterious girl, and they go into the house together. They are there talking together when Hinako’s Aunt Megumi (her mother’s sister) turns up and the mysterious girl vanishes. Her mother follows her aunt in, and as they talk things over they solve the mystery of the mysterious girl, clarifying her true identity. Hinako and her mother become closer as a result, and they are both able to take the first steps to seeking their own paths in life. The story depicts the difficulties between a girl in early adolescence and her mother. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Uozumi, Naoko | Illus. Nishimura, Tsuchika
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2018
  • 186 pages
  • 20×14
  • ISBN 978-4-03-727290-6
  • Age 11 +

Mothers and daughters, Notebooks, Housework




まはら三桃/作 田中寛崇/ 絵



10歳から/転校 サーカス 不思議


Here Comes Haru!

This collection of short stories realistically portrays the daily lives, environments, and problems of elementary school fifth grade children in five regions of Japan. Haru, a circus boy who never spends much time in one school as his family is constantly on the move, plays a supporting role throughout the book. His father is a magician in the world-famous Dream Circus, and Haru makes new friends at every new school he attends. Mio, who lives in Kagoshima, is worried about being bad at studying, while Mai, who lives in Fukuoka, has a complex about her appearance and an awkward relationship with her best friend. In Yamaguchi, Haru catches straight A student Shu sneaking the vegetables from school lunch into a plastic bag to hide them, and in Osaka he asks Kazuki to help him get a circus dog back from the mean old man next door, while in Chiba Koki presses Haru to use magic to bring back his father who was swept away when the tsunami hit in Miyagi. The book ends with a conversation between Haru and his father in the car as the circus heads to its next location. The children Haru meets all grow psychologically, but is that because the eccentric new boy Haru placed a spell on them, or was it a natural result from having met him? The author leaves this point open to the reader’s imagination. Each of the stories ends on an upbeat note, making the reader feel positive, so it is recommended for children not generally fond of reading. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Mahara, Mito | Illus. Tanaka, Hirotaka
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2017
  • 214 pages
  • 19×13
  • ISBN 978-4-03-649050-9
  • Age 10 +

School transfers, Circuses, Magic



絵物語 古事記

富安陽子文 山村浩二絵 『絵物語 古事記』偕成社
『絵物語 古事記』
富安陽子/文 山村浩二/絵 三浦佑之/監修

『絵物語 古事記』(読み物)をおすすめします。


8歳から/神話 不思議


Illustrated KOJIKI

The Stories of Japanese Gods and Goddesses

Dating back to AD 712, the Kojiki is said to be Japan’s oldest historical record. It describes Japan’s history from the foundation of the nation to the era of Empress Suiko in the 7th century. The first volume tells richly imaginative tales of the gods, while Volumes 2 and 3 record the imperial lineage and major events during each reign. In this book, a children’s author who has been nominated for the Andersen Award from Japan retells the stories of Volume 1, accompanied by entertaining illustrations by an internationally renowned animator. The supervisor is a scholar of the Kojiki.
Myths known by Japanese children are retold here, such as the story of how the god Izanaki and goddess Izanami used a magical spear to form the country out of chaos; the story of how after her death, Izanaki chased Izanami through the underworld; and stories of how the sun goddess Amaterasu was so disgusted by the bad behavior of her younger brother Susanoo that she hid herself in a cave, and how Susanoo slayed the eight-headed monster Yamata no Orochi after being banished from heaven, and how the god Oonamuji saved the white hare that had its fur ripped out after tricking the sharks, and about the quarrel between the god Hoderi, who lived off the bounty of the sea, and the god Hoori, who lived off the bounty of the mountain.
Tomiyasu retells these many myths from the perspective of a contemporary author, making them into highly readable, entertaining, and exciting tales. Yamamura’s illustrations appear on every page, with amusing and humanlike portrayals of the deities that successfully draw children in. An afterword introduces how the Kojiki came to be written and the people who were involved in producing it. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Tomiyasu, Yoko | Illus. Yamamura, Koji | Spv. Miura, Sukeyuki
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2017
  • 255 pages
  • 22×15
  • ISBN 978-4-03-744870-7
  • Age 8 +

Myths, Gods





新美南吉/作 どいかや/絵



7歳から/手袋 キツネ 冬 人間


Shopping for Mittens

Children’s author Niimi Nankichi (1913-1943) has been long loved by Japanese children, and his most popular work of all has been newly illustrated by a contemporary artist. When a fox cub’s front paws get cold as it plays in the snow, the mother fox turns one of the cub’s front paws into a child’s hand, gives it couple of coins, and sends it to the store. The fox cub holds out the wrong paw, but since the human sells it the glove anyway, it isn’t at all afraid. When it gets home, its mother also says, “I suppose it’s possible that humans really are good.” The illustrations capture the love between the mother fox and her cub amidst the snowy landscape. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Niimi, Nankichi | Illus. Doi, Kaya
  • Asunaro Shobo
  • 2018
  • 32 pages
  • 31×22
  • ISBN 978-4-7515-2837-2
  • Age 7 +

Mittens, Foxes, Winter, Humans




指田 和/文 長谷川義史/絵



6歳から/津波 お盆 野球 震災からの復興


The Obon Baseball Tournament

Being next to the sea, the district of Unosumai in Kamaishi, Iwate prefecture, was severely damaged by the tsunami in 2011. Because of that, the baseball tournament held during the summer Obon festival ever since the end of the war was also cancelled. Everybody was too busy getting back on their feet. In 2017, local fathers decided to revive the tournament in order to help the area recover. This picture book portrays the occasion from the children’s perspective. The artist went to the location to talk to various people, so the pictures make you feel as though you are actually there. At the end of the book, a history of the district’s Obon Baseball Tournament and how it was revived is included along with photos. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Sashida, Kazu | Illus. Hasegawa, Yoshifumi
  • Poplar
  • 2018
  • 40 pages
  • 28×23
  • ISBN 978-4-591-15904-0
  • Age 6 +

Tsunami, Obon, Baseball, Earthquake recovery




寮美千子文 小林敏也画『イオマンテ:めぐるいのちの贈り物』ロクリン社
寮 美千子/文 小林敏也/画



6歳から/アイヌ(先住民) 生命 クマ



ーThe Gift of the Cycle of Life

A picture book about the ritual held by the Ainu, indigenous people of Hokkaido, when bears were killed. The protagonist is a young boy who dotes on a bear cub after its mother was killed by his father. They grow up together, and the villagers, too, rear the bear carefully as a god. However, the day they must part finally arrives. It is time to hold the ritual to send the grown bear cub to the land of the gods. A range of emotions in the unique world of the Ainu is beautifully portrayed through poetical phrasing and powerful scratch art illustrations. In these times, when life is often treated lightly, this work shows what it means to accept its blessings. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Ryo, Michiko | Illus. Kobayashi, Toshiya
  • Rokurinsha
  • 2018
  • 68 pages
  • 26×19
  • ISBN 978-4-907542-566
  • Age 6 +

Ainu (Indigenous people), Life, Bears




菱木晃子/文 平澤朋子/ 絵



5歳から/サーメ 巨人退治 知恵


The Bride of the Giant

A Swedish to Japanese translator retells the legends of the Saami people of Lapland in Sweden, and an artist provides wonderful illustrations researched on location. When a giant who lives in the mountains falls in love at first sight with a beautiful Saami girl, Charmie, she wracks her brains to find a way to escape from him but things don’t go well. Finally their wedding banquet is held, and she takes advantage of the giant and his guests making merry to dress a log in her bridal clothes and make her getaway. She digs a large hole in the ice on the river to exterminate the giant that had caused so many problems for the villagers. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Hishiki, Akirako | Illus. Hirasawa, Tomoko
  • BL Shuppan
  • 2018
  • 32 pages
  • 30×22
  • ISBN 978-4-7764-0836-9
  • Age 5 +

Saami, Giants, Wisdom

