菱木晃子/文 平澤朋子/ 絵
5歳から/サーメ 巨人退治 知恵
The Bride of the Giant
A Swedish to Japanese translator retells the legends of the Saami people of Lapland in Sweden, and an artist provides wonderful illustrations researched on location. When a giant who lives in the mountains falls in love at first sight with a beautiful Saami girl, Charmie, she wracks her brains to find a way to escape from him but things don’t go well. Finally their wedding banquet is held, and she takes advantage of the giant and his guests making merry to dress a log in her bridal clothes and make her getaway. She digs a large hole in the ice on the river to exterminate the giant that had caused so many problems for the villagers. (Sakuma)
- Text: Hishiki, Akirako | Illus. Hirasawa, Tomoko
- BL Shuppan
- 2018
- 32 pages
- 30×22
- ISBN 978-4-7764-0836-9
- Age 5 +
Saami, Giants, Wisdom