八束澄子/著 中村至宏/画





13歳から/居所不明児童 独居老人 思いやり


Little Bird of the Apartment Block

Mitsuki is a junior high student living with her mother in a large apartment complex. Hina is an 11-year-old being hidden from authorities with her mother, by a single elderly man living one floor below. This novel brings together Mitsuki and Hina’s two stories.

Hina’s mother had been drifting around the country, taking her daughter with her to various jobs and not sending her to school. After Hina’s mother collapsed at a train station and got taken away by ambulance, Hina was put in an institution and began to attend school. But after her mother collapsed again in a park and was taken in by the elderly man, Mr. Shibata, her mother nabbed Hina from the institution and brought her into hiding with her.

One day, Mr. Shibata suffers a subarachnoid hemorrhage while at the supermarket, loses consciousness, and is taken to hospital. Stuck in his apartment and unable to leave, Hina and her mother run out of food. Hina, reduced to skin and bones, appears in front of Mitsuki and says, “Help.” Hina had known about Mitsuki and had even nicknamed her Kotori-chan (Little Bird), because Mitsuki keeps a parakeet.

Hina’s mother coughs up blood and dies after being taken to hospital. Hina returns to the institution. Mitsuki now thinks of Hina as a younger sister, but at the same time, she is scared by the darkness she sees in Hina’s eyes. Knowing that helping Hina will not be simple, Mitsuki’s mother nonetheless agrees to foster her during vacations, and Mr. Shibata offers financial support.

This YA novel takes up issues lately pressing in Japan, as elsewhere: missing children and the isolated elderly. With realistic episodes, it turns our gaze toward people showing compassion to other people. It contains a number of heavy scenes, but the talking parakeet lends a saving humor. (Sakuma)

  • text: Yatsuka, Sumiko | illus. Nakamura, Yukihiro
  • Poplar
  • 2020
  • 208 pages
  • 20×13
  • ISBN 9784591167243
  • Age 13 +

Missing child, Elderly living alone, Compassion

