魚住直子/著 西村ツチカ/絵
小学校6年生の陽菜子は、家事も勉強もちゃんとやれと口うるさくいう母親がうっとうしくて仕方がない。単身赴任中の父親はともかく、兄が家事を免除されているのも不公平だと思っている。ある日、陽菜子は不思議な女の子に出会い、その子が落としたらしい手帳を拾う。手帳には、「わたしは、親に支配されたくない。わたしは、わたしの道をいきたい」と書き付けてあった。何度か現れてアドバイスもしてくれる、あの不思議な女の子はいったい誰なのか? その謎を追いかけていくうちに陽菜子はしだいに強くなり、母親にも言い返せるようになる。最後に、不思議な女の子の謎がすべて解けたときには、陽菜子と母親の遠かった距離は近くなり、ふたりとも本来の自分の道を探す一歩を踏みだせるようになっていた。ファンタジー的要素も取り込んで現代の少女が置かれた状況を生き生きと伝える。
11歳から/母と娘 手帳 自分の道 家事の分担
I’ve Got Something to Say!
A story that with elements of fantasy portrays what life is like for girls in Japan. It is an entertaining read that has you wondering about a mysterious girl that the protagonist meets. Hinako is in her last year at elementary school and irritated at being constantly nagged by her mother to study and do housework. She feels it’s unfair that her brother is exempted from housework, as is her father on account of being posted to a job far away. Her mother believes it’s for the best to be strict with her, and Hinako cannot openly defy her. Thus their relationship quickly deteriorates as Hinako harbours counterveiling feelings of rebellion and guilt. And then Hinako meets a mysterious girl, who leaves behind a notebook in which it is written, “I don’t want to be controlled by my parents. I want to follow my own path.” Subsequently the girl turns up numerous times, and following her advice Hinako gradually becomes able to say the things she wants to say to her mother.
When her mother tells her off for playing hooky from the cram school, on the spur of the moment Hinako skips a mock exam and instead goes to her deceased grandmother’s old abandoned house. On the way there she again meets the mysterious girl, and they go into the house together. They are there talking together when Hinako’s Aunt Megumi (her mother’s sister) turns up and the mysterious girl vanishes. Her mother follows her aunt in, and as they talk things over they solve the mystery of the mysterious girl, clarifying her true identity. Hinako and her mother become closer as a result, and they are both able to take the first steps to seeking their own paths in life. The story depicts the difficulties between a girl in early adolescence and her mother. (Sakuma)
- Text: Uozumi, Naoko | Illus. Nishimura, Tsuchika
- Kaiseisha
- 2018
- 186 pages
- 20×14
- ISBN 978-4-03-727290-6
- Age 11 +
Mothers and daughters, Notebooks, Housework