山本和子/作 石川えりこ/絵
仕方なく4月はお花見、5月は衣替え、6月は梅仕事、7月は七夕、8月は花火見物、9月はお月見、10 月は栗拾い、11 月は七五三、12 月はリース作り、1月はお正月料理、2月は豆まき、3月はひな祭り、と行事を行っていくうちに、こふじは、この町のさまざまな動物と出会い、交流するようになる。とねりこ通りに暮らす多様な動物たちの中には、帰国子女、独居老人、さびしさから暴力をふるう子などもいるが、お互いの欠点を補い合いながら暮らしている様子に、こふじも元気をもらう。そして1年たった頃には、いつしかこふじも、伝統的な織物を継承したいと意欲まんまんになっていた。
11歳から/ネコ 行事 引きこもり 多様性
Kofuji the Cat
ーNumber 3 Ash Street
Kofuji the cat once worked very hard at an advertising company. When her coworkers began to treat her coldly, however, she quit her job. Now she stays at home, never leaving the house. One day, however, her grandmother asks her to take care of her house on Ash Street while she travels around the world. Instead of rent, she asks Kofuji to plan a monthly event, each one befitting the month in which it is held.
Although reluctant at first, Kofuji plans a picnic under the cherry blossoms in April, a seasonal change of clothing in May, plum juice-making in June, a star festival in July, fireworks in August, moon viewing in September, chestnut gathering in October, a festival for children aged three, five and seven in November, wreath making in December, making traditional New Year’s dishes in January, bean throwing in February, and a dolls’ festival in March. The neighbors on Toneriko Street are a diverse group of characters. There is a tapir who moved back from overseas and thinks she has to conform to fit in, a young fox who throws tantrums because she’s upset that her mother has a new fox cub, and an elderly monkey living on his own. Through her interactions with these different neighbors, Kofuji gradually perks up and by the end of the year, she has decided to start weaving traditional textiles.
Each monthly event is described by Nezumori, the postmouse who lives in the cupboard of her house. His own story also unfolds within this book, and the last scene is his wedding, which is attended by all the characters who have appeared, including Kofuji’s grandmother who has returned from her travels. With one story per chapter and plenty of illustrations, the book is easy and entertaining even for children unused to reading. (Sakuma)
- Yamamoto, Kazuko | Illus. Ishikawa, Eriko
- Alice-kan
- 2019
- 168 pages
- 21×16
- ISBN 9784752008934
- Age 11 +
Cat, Event, Stay-at-home, Diversity