角野栄子/作 森 環/絵
9歳から/戦争 友情 切なさ
Tasuke the Cobbler
This story is about a little girl who is drawn to an artisan’s handiwork during the war. The setting is Tokyo in 1942, and the author bases the story on her own wartime experiences. The first-person protagonist has just started school when a young cobbler called Tasuke opens a shop in her neighborhood. She is fascinated by his craft, and after school drops by his shop to watch him at work. Tasuke had escaped the draft on account of being nearsighted, but as the war progresses even he is called up to fight. Abruptly the girl is made aware of the contrast between her peaceful days and the violence of war. Her feelings are vividly portrayed throughout the story.
- Text: Kadono, Eiko | Illus. Mori, Tamaki
- Kaiseisha
- 2017
- 72 pages
- 22×16
- ISBN 9784035285205
- Age 9 +
Shoes, Artisans, War