15歳から/フラダンス 青春 震災 福島
Hula Boys
This is a laugh-out-loud youth novel, but its description of the circumstances surrounding the Fukushima nuclear disaster is thought-provoking. Yutaka, who attends a technical high school, leaves the swimming club only to be dragged into Hula Dance Club. When he grudgingly goes to take a look, he finds it full of girls. However, some other boys also join; Okihiko, a heart-throb type who has just moved from Singapore, Taiga, a geezer-type who also belongs to the judo club, and Kenichi, a weedy type whose dad works for TEPCO which is extremely unpopular in the wake of the nuclear disaster. Yutaka is put in charge of the boys team. (Sakuma)
- Text: Furuuchi, Kazue
- Komine Shoten
- 2016
- 290 pages
- 20×14
- ISBN 9784338287104
- Age 15 +
Hula dance, Fukushima, Friendship