菅聖子/文 やましたこうへい/絵



11歳から/パン 缶詰 職人 夢の実現


Saving the World With Canned Bread

This book is about a baker called Yoshihiko Akimoto. When the Kobe earthquake happened in 1995 and there was a need for nonperishable food, Mr. Akimoto hit upon the idea of canning bread that so that it would be soft enough for children and the elderly to eat. After trying many techniques and improvements, and much trial and error, he finally succeeded. Next Mr. Akimoto decided to recall unused canned bread that was approaching its expiry date, and send it to disaster and famine areas around the world through NGOs. This is a moving book about how one artisan dreamed of building a business that would benefit not just his local area but the world at large, and took the necessary steps to make his dream come true. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Suga, Seiko | Illus. Yamashita, Kohei
  • Holp Shuppan
  • 2017
  • 156 pages
  • 20×15
  • ISBN 978-4-593-53523-1
  • Age 11 +

Bread, Canned food, Artisans, Dreams
