谷川俊太郎/文 Noritake/絵



3歳から/平和 戦争


Peace and War

As a teenager, the author was forced to flee from fire bombs during World War II, at which time he saw countless corpses. In this book, however, he neither shares those painful experiences nor talks about peace in abstract terms. Instead, he takes familiar things and actions that we take for granted and juxtaposes what they look like during a time of peace and a time of war. The book begins with a child (me at peace, me at war) and progresses through a father, a mother, a family, a tool of peace (a pencil) and a tool of war (a gun), as well as such things as a queue, a tree, the sea, a town, night, and a cloud. Except for the mushroom cloud rising from the atomic bomb, which is a photo, the pages are illustrated with simple black-and-white drawings. In the last spread, “a baby on our side” and “an enemy baby,” the pictures are identical. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Tanikawa, Shuntaro | Illus. Noritake
  • Bronze Publishing
  • 2019
  • 32 pages
  • 19×19
  • ISBN 9784893096579
  • Age 3 +

Peace, War
