佐藤まどか/作 浦田健二/絵
期待をもって転校してきた6 年生のミカは、席の近い鈴奈、お調子者の仁、フィリピン人の母親をもつジェイソンと仲よくなる。やがてクラスで、本来は禁止されている「ガードロイド探し」が始まると、ミカも疑心暗鬼になる。4人は、怪しいと思われる生徒の家に行ってみたり、マラソンをしても呼吸の乱れない生徒に探りを入れたりする。しかしそれより、もしかしてこの4人の中にガードロイドがいるのではないか? 友だちの笑顔はウソなのか? だれかにリモートコントロールされているのか? 本当は心なんてないのに、感情があるふりをしているのか? すべてが演技なのか? 疑念はふくらむ。
11歳から/近未来 アンドロイド 疑念 友だち
Artificial Soul
The story is set in the near future. A newly established model school not only offers small classes and hightech facilities but also has a super security system to prevent cheating, bullying and violence. Each class has a guard-droid that looks and behaves just like one of the students, but is actually an android programmed with the same intelligence as a human and equipped with a built-in mike and camera through which the school can watch over the students. The androids each have their own personality and are indistinguishable from humans.
Mika comes to this new school with great expectations and makes friends with three students sitting near her. The students are forbidden to look for the guard-droid, but Mika’s class secretly tries to find out. Mika starts suspecting everyone. She and her group of friends visit the home of a girl who appears suspicious and closely observe a boy who never gets out of breath even when he runs a marathon.
But perhaps the guard-droid is really one of Mika’s friends. Are their smiles fake? Is one of them being operated by remote control and just pretending to have feelings? Is it all an act?
In the end, the students find out that even the guard-droid doesn’t know who the droid is, and its identity is never revealed. The author vividly conveys the frightening nature of a society in which everyone is watched and where it is impossible to tell the real from the fake. Artificial Soul warns us that the human mind could one day be subdued and controlled. (Sakuma)
- Sato, Madoka | Illus. Urata, Kenji
- Poplar
- 2019
- 176 pages
- 20×13
- ISBN 9784591162057
- Age 11 +
Near Future, Android, Doubt