9歳から/家 開発 都市化 十六羅漢
Yato Home
This picture book portrays 150 years in the life of a farmhouse in a yato area, with gently sloping hills and valleys. The book is narrated by stone statues of the sixteen arhats (disciples of the historical Buddha) that stand nearby. The farmhouse with thatched roof is first surrounded by rice paddies, fields, and forests; later, it becomes enclosed by a monorail, department store, and condominiums and apartment buildings. It is given a tiled roof. Planting and threshing processes, children’s play, festivals, weddings, funerals, and development are all depicted in detail. Until a certain period, wild birds and animals also visit the stone statues. The backmatter contains detailed explanations, including about the Tama Hills in southwest Tokyo/northeast Kanagawa, which served as the model for this book. (Sakuma)
- text/illus. Yatsuo, Keiji | spv. Senni, Kei
- Kaiseisha
- 2020
- 40 pages
- 22×31
- ISBN 9784034379004
- Age 9 +
Home, Development, Urbanization, Sixteen arhats