久世濃子/著 秋草愛/絵



11歳から/オランウータン ボルネオ ジャングル 絶滅危惧


I Want to Meet an Orangutan

Written by a Japanese scientist who studies wild orangutan, the text is very easy to follow. Readers learn what motivated the author to study orangutan, how she conducts fieldwork in Borneo, the ecology of orangutan, the fact that they are an endangered species, and what we can do to help them. The author also explores the differences between orangutan and chimpanzees, which live in groups, and differences in the parent-child relationships of orangutan as compared to humans and other ape species. Not only do we gain a deeper knowledge of orangutan, but we also learn how our own lifestyle is intricately connected to their habitat, the forests of southeast Asia. The author urges us to not only buy products that are good for us, but ones that are good for the environment of the whole planet. (Sakuma)

  • text: Kuze, Noko | illus. Akikusa, Ai
  • Akane Shobo
  • 2020
  • 188 pages
  • 22×16
  • ISBN 9784251073105
  • Age 11 +

Orangutan, Borneo, Jungle, Endangered species
