浜矩子/著 高畠純/絵
とてもわかりやすい文章とユーモアたっぷりのイラストで、お金や経済について学ぶ本。お金はなんのためにあるの? 経済とは本来どんなものなの? 今の日本経済に警鐘を鳴らす著者は、本当の経済は人と人が出会う場をつくるもので、そこからは幸せが生まれてこなくてはいけないという。利益ばかりを追い求めるような偽の経済活動を賢く見ぬいて、お金にふりまわされないで幸せになるためにはどうしたらいいか。それを本書は伝えている。
11歳から/経済 社会 お金 幸せ
All We Need Is Money?
ーA Tale of Economics to Think about with Young People
In easily understood language supported by humorous illustrations, this book teaches us about money and economics. What is the purpose of money? What is economics? The author, Noriko Hama, is a famous economist. She explains that true economics should be about creating spaces in which people can come together and that generate happiness. Unfortunately, economic activity today is increasingly focused on the pursuit of profit. She teaches how to discern such “false” economics and live a life that is not controlled by money and that will bring us happiness. (Sakuma)
- Text: Hama, Noriko | Illus. Takabatake, Jun
- Crayon House
- 2017
- 64 pages
- 21×15
- ISBN 9784861013195
- Age 11 +
Money, Happiness, Economics