タグ: 食べ物





11歳から/パン 缶詰 職人 夢の実現


Saving the World With Canned Bread

This book is about a baker called Yoshihiko Akimoto. When the Kobe earthquake happened in 1995 and there was a need for nonperishable food, Mr. Akimoto hit upon the idea of canning bread that so that it would be soft enough for children and the elderly to eat. After trying many techniques and improvements, and much trial and error, he finally succeeded. Next Mr. Akimoto decided to recall unused canned bread that was approaching its expiry date, and send it to disaster and famine areas around the world through NGOs. This is a moving book about how one artisan dreamed of building a business that would benefit not just his local area but the world at large, and took the necessary steps to make his dream come true. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Suga, Seiko | Illus. Yamashita, Kohei
  • Holp Shuppan
  • 2017
  • 156 pages
  • 20×15
  • ISBN 978-4-593-53523-1
  • Age 11 +

Bread, Canned food, Artisans, Dreams







9歳から/ごはん 台所 料理 異文化理解


Eating the Globe!

A writer and photographer travel all over the world, staying in ordinary homes and observing families going about their daily lives, and eating the same food as their hosts. They introduce us to the food and lifestyles of seventeen families in fourteen countries, from Mongolia, Cambodia, and Thailand, to Hungary, Yemen, and Morocco. The fun layout features many photos of children preparing and eating food, making it approachable for young readers everywhere. We also learn about staple foods around the world, street stalls, and toilets, as well as what kind of Japanese souvenirs are most appreciated by the host families. (Sakuma)

  • Text: Nakayama, Shigeo | Photos: Sakaguchi, Katsumi
  • Kaiseisha
  • 2016
  • 128 pages
  • 21×18
  • ISBN 9784036450602
  • Age 9 +

Food, Kitchens, Cooking







7歳から/食べ物 干物 自然 知恵


See What Happens When You Dry It Up

This is a picture book by a photographer on the theme of food. The author uses photos of dried foods found in many parts of the world to explain the changes that occur when foods are dried and the meaning and purpose of drying food. Drying removes the liquid from vegetables, fruits, fish, meat and milk products, preserving them so that they don’t go rotten, and the author use photos and text in ingenious ways to excite the reader’s curiosity and make this process easier to understand. The short appendix introduces examples of dried foods used in traditional Japanese cuisine and methods for drying vegetables and other foods that can be done at home. (Sakuma)

  • Text/Photos: Morieda, Takashi
  • Froebel-kan
  • 2016
  • 34 pages
  • 22×27
  • ISBN 9784577043714
  • Age 7 +

Food, Dried fish, Practical wisdom






日本は難民受け入れ数がとても少ない。それでも、戦争や人権侵害によって命が危うくなり、日本に逃げて来る人はいる。その人たちを、同じ人間として迎えるにはどうすればいい? 著者は、シリア、ミャンマー、バングラデシュ、ネパール、カメルーンなどから逃げて来た人に会い、彼らの故郷の味をふるまってもらいながら、どうして日本にやって来たのか、どんな苦労があるのかなどを聞き出していく。子どもにも親しめる料理や飲み物を入り口にして、難民について考えることのできるノンフィクション。(小学校高学年から)





